The Ue is facing the worse crisis of his history, and it's going to do it without United Kingdom.
The English Government has always been the most eurosceptic of the continent, but after the last meeting in Bruxelles Cameron just decided to cross the line beetween euroscepticism and antieuropeism.
Cameron was really clear in his statements: he is proud to be out of the eurozone, and he is going to veto every try to modify the lisboa treaty harming the “key interests” of United Kingdom.
The English Minister is playing a dangerous game: his isolation in Bruxelles is getting worse, and his way to handle the eurocrisis could maybe help him to get some vote at home, but it won't save England from the possible crash of euro.
Hearing Cameron talking about the “key interests” of Uk is offensive to every european citizen who is facing sacrifices to survive to the economical crisis. There is no english interest at stake, just european's. And Uk is a part of europe, even if Cameron is always trying to deny it. If Ue is going to fail, Uk will come along.
The 2008 crash of the financial system was created by the financial market, and europe has to control and tax it. Even if this mean to harm english interest. We have to, because it's necessary and because it's right. We are in the same boat, and we have to row in the same direction.
Uk is too important to be left behind in the process of europe integration, but we can't wait for english people. The crisis is now, and the solutions must be quick. With or without Cameron. If Uk wants to stay out of the european process, we have to accept his decision. But english people needs to decide: british isolation can't last forever. Sooner or later they will have to decide what's their european future. They cannot be half european ad perpetuum.
Cameron could be one of the great architect of the New Europe. If he just want to be a witness, so be it.
Some interesting points here. I think it would be unfair to call David Cameron 'anti-European' which is what the article suggests. He may be a Euro sceptic with quite legitimate reservations about the nature of the power of the European Union especially in monetary and legal terms. And he has, it is true to say, attempted to 'undo' a lot of the legacy of the Labour Party which gave too much power to Europe and essentially devolved British legal sovereignty to the EU. However, these are not unreasonable points of contention - it is justified to desire the retention of British independence from an organisation which has become so powerful that it is now being described as a 'federal Super State' in many quarters.
RispondiEliminaWhilst the Eurozone crisis does affect the UK, it is wrong to say that the British government is obliged to contribute billions of pounds to aid the restoration of the EU when Britain has enough of its own economic concerns. Among these is the highest deficit reduction of all the major European powers.
Likewise, the aim of securing the 'key interests' of the UK have to be the priority of any UK government - it seems farcical to suggest that the British Prime Minister should be more concerned with Spain, Ireland or Italy than he should be with Britain. Cameron has stated a desire to maintain the close commercial and diplomatic relations the United Kingdom has with Europe but merely asks that Europe acknowledges each country's need to prioritise with domestic affairs.
After all, as Orwell said, 'Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism'.
Thank you for posting.I'll try to answer you in few words, especially because your comment would deserve another article.
RispondiEliminaAs i already wrote multiple times in italian, the global crisis is infecting every european country. The only way to get out of the situation is facing it together.Working together.
Your answer cleary show me the difference beetween the continental idea of Europe and the english one. I look at Ue and i see an organization becoming a federal state. I think it's time for Europe to think and act as one, because divided we are bound to fall.
You think as Europe as a superorganization which is getting too powerful and must be reorganizated.
Until now Uk has taken every benefit from Ue (single market) but refused to accept the risk (same currency,schengen area).how long can it last? The principal problem of Europe is the lack of democracy: Merkel and Sarkozy (and hopefully Monti) are called to take decision which are going to afect millions of people (english's included). The only way to give more democracy to Ue is strengthen european institutions. Uk can be with the rest of the group or start a new solo career. But it can't do both. Or Cameron accepts the slow but inexorable process of european integration or he can say goodbye to single market.